Thursday, January 6, 2011

Blended Learing

We are looking for more time in our math classes and in our foreign language classes in the school I teach at. Since I have an MA in Distance Education I have a bias towards on-line education and really believe that our solution lies in the arena of what has come to be known as blended learning. Instead of looking for more teaching time, we should be looking for more scaffolded learning time. It seems to me that, that time will be found outside of the traditional school day. Social networking may just offer a solution.

Today's 6AM questions are:
Can you teach mathematics in Face Book? Can you use Twitter to answer questions in a foreign language? Is following a teacher's twitter feed a reasonable way for mathedmatics teachers to communicate with students? Can you blend a face to face classroom with an Learning Management System to provide additional learning time for student?

That is what I am thinking about this morning. Do you have an thoughts on the subject? Dialogue!! Share with me.

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